Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ny Unemployment Certification


I mean the people, not birds (ne not yet seen) or fruit (I have not eaten). They are very kind and what I like is that here people on the street does not run, walk. And look you in the face: many times you say hello, and smiles. It's like being in a village, but is that the people here is true. Me today confirmed a couple of Chileans who have met gentlemen on the bus and I've been talking the whole way. But what you notice when you walk down the street with a map and everyone asks you if you're okay, or if you want to ask for information to accompany (And I feel bad if they are going in another direction and can not). Or ask for a cappuccino (cappuccino siemre ask, small, to take away with slim milk - each site is skimmed milk say it in a way, this is slim, so forgive me if sometimes I called otherwise) and as you prepare it the bartender asks you where you are, you do, and explains his life. Is another vital rhythm. They live in wooden huts in the middle of the woods. It's all like a big country town. All are wary of all, all are friendly. To think and come to live here for a while to unwind.
Today the day had begun in the fall, but by mid- morning has been decidedly summer y. .. HE IDO A LA PLAYA!

Protection Factor 30 (tested here) and no water bath is frozen, but it's something, right? Returning to the beach I met this nice couple from Chilean grandparents.
Then I tried to go to the Karori Sanctuary (which is supposedly a park near my home and where many slut to watch) but I lost the hills of the neighborhood ...

... but how nice is lost in the neighborhood! When I arrived at the park was already 16:30, and closed at five ... I thought "another day!" and I came home (indeed, a friendly kiwi has told me the wrong bus, and I'm back downtons, uff).
I eat dinner and terrific banana cake (is that cooked !!!)... PM fatter if I'll finish control, there! treat me too well! indeed, this eating dinner at 13 and at 19 I find it odd ... also the lunch is ridiculous: a salad the size of a yogurt or a sandwich (wow, where are our 2-course menus with dessert ????), so to see if I get used, at least I can help keep some line (like all the stairs and I have to climb hills, uff !!!).
Jose and Paolo, I'm waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!( already have noticed from my heaviness mails of tourist routes, lol)
Kisses to all, learn to be more like the sweet kiwi fruit!


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