Friday, February 18, 2011

How Do You Send Complaints To Poptropica

visitor to the antipodes

did not think me a blog, but I think the best way to tell all my adventure in New Zealand every day ... Well, all that you please read it!
The first problem gets what language is going to write ... uff, is the Castilian can serve as a lingua franca among all? Or, at least I'll have to translate everything into Italian ... uff, we'll see progress, okay? (Mamma, papà, nonna and family, Siate pazienti!)
The days prior to departure have been unbearable, I know, and I apologize to everyone I've endured .. All I could think was, "Who the hell sent me to my choice to go right at the other end of the world??" - And I must say that some of what I'm thinking ... the truth is that I'm not sure because I chose NZ well, perhaps on a hunch, in the same way that years ago I chose Barcelona ... perhaps because I've been stamped with the image of my father that I was little I said New Zealand was shaped like a backward Italy ... and since Italy is so bad, maybe my subconscious has thought: "Perhaps the best go backwards !"... or rugby matches All Blacks my dad always watched with such enthusiasm (insomma, dad, is sto qua, è colpa tua !)... no jokes, I felt quite irrational fascination that has pushed me to choose Wellington. It is also true that where there is a small country with bilingualism and official language minority, I like to go there (one of these days I'll have to point to philology) ... and more importantly, what if I could happen again go to the antipodes?
So, after almost a year of starting to raise it, I have finally been able to start this adventure ... I really thought that ultimately could not Marx! but here I am!
The trip has been so terrible as I expected, that is: I have to go to Sevilla from Barcelona by bus can be worse. It has been a journey of about 2 days, which have come across literally half the world, but I survived ... Paolo, maybe like you said, was so worried about what I expected here that the trip was not important! Also I have to thank the amazing flowers of bach that has prepared me Ludo, who have given me much peace and strength to face the journey.
The worst has been spending two days without internet, but I survived!
The planes were pretty well: you get to eat and drink, they give you blankets and pillows, all yours have a little screen to watch movies, series and more ... but if I can complain, I must say that could have more episodes of each series! They only have 1!

The arrival was a bit tired, because I have had loads of time in the office with a thousand questions ! And I had to pull two clementines, here there is, whew! They have analyzed the bach flowers! For the first time in my life I felt an extra-(do not know what the exact word but it is understood sense, no?)! But people are very friendly and cares about you. Also the custom, I have said many times that I felt bad making me wait! You imagine the same in Italy or Spain?
After the customs the first thing I thought was: "fuck that smaller airport! The Naples or give Girona rings around!". Good thing I found then the bus to go downtown, and the driver was very nice, to me he is up the suitcase.
I arrived at 3 pm (local time: 12 hours in Spain) on Thursday February 17 in a beautiful and warm day end of summer: sun, a gentle breeze, a stunning light ... twenty and a few degrees, or heat or cold, perfect! But when I reached the hotel - which, incidentally, is fine - almost killed the poor boy who has attended me he wanted me to pay more than they should!
After leaving the bags I went for a little spin not to fall into the temptation of sleep (I thought all you told me to wait for that was done at night). From the plane I had hit the green and wild settings of the landscape, but the first impressionthat Wellington, both for the trip by bus and by the little spin has been that of a city pequiñita and very quiet very livable and warm, where everything is smaller than we are accustomed. It reminded me a little of Malta, its so beautiful wooden houses in English style ... next few small Western-style skyscrapers.
must also say that the first emotions were quite rare: fear, loneliness, fatigue, constant thoughts of "damn, I have come, by which I like going to my school to school and prou! ", curiosity, challenge myself to be the first time I travel alone, etc.. etc. etc ... But do not worry, I have cried a lot. At 9 pm I was fried here, I understand at last that I had to socumbir the jetlag!
best thing is that I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and did not sleep and I thought, better, and work for a while and then get out .... I did not know but I had to be closed during the day and a half (only half an hour I went out to take the air and buy dinner), because of work to do, while outside the room of the hostel (which is terribly hot!) had a spectacular sunset I screamed for me to go to the beach ... so this morning, overcast and threatening rain, was the first day of Guiria BETWEEN KIWIS! or better, as I understand before seeing a giant muffin that I'm snacking on the first day of truth "a m ad (d) alena from New Zealanders" = "a muffin Among the kiwis "!!!!


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