Sunday, February 20, 2011

South Park Live Stream


First day at uni ... tutto ok!
while outside are 25 degrees ... incredible sun which, incidentally, I have explained that sticks further because here there is not enough ozone in the atmosphere. namely, that our pollution is responsible for my foreigner burns and color! (I've spent all day with a black scarf charging the chest and shoulders, uff, I want sun!)

This morning I went to uni very early, about 8:30 (another thing that I never do in Barna, lol) and still there was nobody!
It is best to walk the way I have to do to get there: the middle of the woods! is really incredible, very, very nice. And while the campus is quite large and has tall buildings, my department is in a beautiful wooden house!

They were all very kind and available and then made me feel welcome ... the only problem was that the computer system was slow to recognize, so I have yet to access the computer from the office. and around the world apologizing for the inconvenience and disruption, while also made me the staff card (I went to security and I have taken a picture and have it printed in 1 minute! and is a plastic card with machine code that let you enter the buildings that have access !!!), let me get a book from the library (Koltés, Roberto Zucco, who semble that Tindra Molta importance during pròxims els mesos, oi?) - Plus the guy from the library is from Madrid and I spent the other English post - and I've had my first meeting with my tutor , which is very nice. I have been presented to other researchers and I've been told to arrange as you want if you prefer to work in the office or at home. It seems I have to do a lot of bureaucracy to let me pass the survey to students ... must passar a committee of ethics, uff!
In short, they believe that the computer problem makes disorganized, but what had happened in Spain or Italy? would probably have been impossible to obtain the card, imagine taking a book of the library (where there are beautiful views of the city)!
In conclusion, the impression is positive and I have wanted to start the project, although I worry all the bureaucratic ... see!
hope to recover soon from burns and take a little this time so nice, going to the beach and soaking up the sun (with SPF 30 that I have left my kind foster parents!)
It could not use the computer at 3 I went to the uni and I took a spin around the neighborhood, which is really nice, wooden houses in the middle of green, lots of greenery and pedestrian walkways in the middle of the trees. any other concept of the city.
and I made my first friend ... I have been pulled over and I have been rubbed against his legs just introduce ... paolo not preokupes you is this:

I would love to upload videos because the photos do not do justice to the scenery so beautiful in this city. but they weigh too much ...
let you go to dinner (dine here prontito) ... of incoming I have sushi, my adoptive mother has bought me ... I told him yesterday and she loved to have bought it ... that nice, please!


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