Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kidney Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms


was going to start counting my days working normal and boring, but given the circumstances, I have to first reassure you: I'M GOOD! At noon today there was an earthquake of 6.3 ° in Christchurch, South Island, 400 km from WLG - STO BENE, EARTHQUAKE DI STATO C'E 6.3 ° A CHRISTCHURCH, NELL'ISOLA SUD, 400 KM, PIU DI DA WLG, BUT NON QUI L'ABBIAMO NEANCHE AVVERTITO. ie: do not even have noticed ... but before all the world worry about (before reading facebook where I have advised that all goes well) better to say (che altro qualcun will not come to mia nonna comes a colpo!)
It I am concerned, has been a rainy day in WLG ... well, you played, everyone told me that usually does not make much heat and sun ... ie, the city has welcomed me, I can not complain.
This is what I saw this morning from the kitchen window:
I have spent all day at home working (it seems that I have not got access to pc at uni), and I've only gone to get money ... I discovered a new way to go to uni:

under and climb a few stairs (my dietician would be delighted to hear it) and arrived near the center of campus, Aque today looked like rain:

And then I'm back home to work on my project from here and my fantastic view, uff! Then at noon we learned of the earthquake and we have set with the news. Well, half the city destroyed and more than 60 people! that horrible thing! I know so bad!
is, a sad day in NZ ... and NZ.
Kisses to all and really, do not worry about me!


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