Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dragon Ball Doujinshi Bulma

WINDY & RAINY WELLINGTON (with earthquake included)

had read both of the rains and winds of Wellington before coming here and I had said so many times was being lucky for the incredible time I was doing, that I almost began to wonder whether or not the universe and the stars had lined up to welcome me and had allied with the elements and forces of nature through some god Zeus and Maori that my arrival was the best that this magnificent site could offer. And perhaps there is some truth in this.
But in recent days I have been able to finally meet "Wellington at its best" ... On Sunday the weather had been unusual in the morning, but this week is getting really cold and especially windy! On Tuesday at noon while on lunch with the English community, suddenly began to rain heavily, and then in half an hour I had stopped, but the temperature had dropped considerably.
the evening began a storm of wind ofa! And the most fun was after dinner ... to start I must say that just at dinner my adoptive parents were giving me instructions on how to act in an earthquake (we see that Wellington is a city particularly at risk, today told me that one day there will be a terrible, such as if one day you wake up the Vesuvio) and ended the conversation with a smile, saying, "hopefully there are none during my stay! ". Meanwhile the wind was getting stronger.
So I went to my room, talking on skype with Paolo (remember?) When something strange happened: I felt the whole house shake. I thought: well, this seems an earthquake and then I gave my other stupid at the suggestion of both ... so I assumed it was because of the wind so strong. Imagine the surprise when the next day at university ask me if I felt the earthquake! So it was an earthquake, though small ... here's the news in the papers of Welligton:
On Wednesday the weather conditions worsened enough: not only in the morning it started to rain cats and dogs ... or as we say in my language: "Chiove ca 'or patatern' s'รจ scurdate 'el'acqua!".

And I could not leave the house and thought, "silly should've brought the rain suit the bike! "Yes, because the amazing thing, besides the quantity water flow to fall, is that the wind is so strong that moves everywhere, so you get wet completely! I expected to happen a bit and went downtown to buy a jacket and a backpack (is that I started to organize tours for my weekends and free backpack is impossible and I forgot to bring me one!) ... Then I took my vein Catalan I just bought the bag, which incidentally is very nice, even has the drawing of NZ!

Quechua probably actually offers equivalent and cheaper products, but I wanted to offer whim MacPac for 60 € so I have a memory of NZ.
The problem was to go to the store to the university, because it started raining again and the wind so much water around me, everywhere I went ... I got to the office that seemed out of the shower.

And then the wind itself, in a few hours away clouds. Incredible!
Today I had social and cultural life, I can not believe ... after having spent the last night organizing my travels, making it possible to square the reduced time of a weekend (this was the reason I have days without writing, I opened a travel agency for me, myself and I), today I had lunch with a girl department and tonight I went to see a musical environment experimental work in a bar with another girl I met at the uni! Do not look! Finally some good atmosphere and work social ... I liked it, but only 3 of the players rang ... uff (the only cole I can understand). The good thing is that back home I climbed the hill on foot ... to see if it's true I'm doing legs ...
People, I would love to have the power telepathically to send you what I see, so you can see as it is ... the photos are so reductive, I almost feel bad posting.
Apa, it's late and tomorrow I have a meeting with a researcher super good and interesting ... by the way, my research continues and my tutor is incredibly nice! I am very happy! If not for my poor thesis that haunts me every day and makes a little change the order of the sentences (I still get a final version soon ???), would be great.
I love you much!
The Gypsy Muffin listening to the wind ....


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