Monday, March 14, 2011

Christian Encouraging Phrases

Cheesecake with Berries

This recipe was given to me some time ago by a dear friend!
E 'is the only recipe for cheesecake that I was really impressed by the simple fact that the taste perfectly recalls the original cheesecake!

Serves 22 cm dish


For the bottom:

digestive biscuits 300 g
Butter 100 gr
Cinnamon 1 teaspoon

For the dough:

starch plus 15 g di
Cannella 1 / 2
Limone ; 1 / 2
Panna 100ml fresca
Philadelphia 600 gr
uova ; 2
tuorlo ; 1
Vanillina 1 packet
Sugar 100 gr

For the topping:

sour cream 200 ml
Vanilla 1 packet
Sugar , 2 tablespoons


For the bottom:

Chop cookies in a food processor and add the cinnamon, 2 pinches of salt and melted butter.
Spread the mixture on the bottom and edges of a baking pan lined with parchment paper hinge.
I use a ceramic baking dish conpiatto border and silicone, so I already Cheescake on a platter.
Level well and refrigerate for 1 hour or in freezer for half an hour.

For the dough:

Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
Beat the eggs and yolks with the sugar and vanilla, mixing well add the Philadelphia.
Slowly add the lemon juice, cornstarch, 2 pinches of salt, cinnamon and cream.
pour on biscuits made of hardened now.
Put in oven and lower the temperature to 180 degrees and cook for 30 minutes.
Lower the temperature to 160 degrees, cover with aluminum foil and cook for another 30-40 minutes.
After cooking let stand for 30 minutes in the oven with the door slightly open.

For the topping:

Whisk the sour cream with sugar and vanilla. Pour the Cheescake now cold.
Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight.

I've served with berries.
Part I blended them with a little sugar and a little lemon.

can also serve it plain or with strawberries, caramel, chocolate, or whatever your fancy!


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