Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fibroid Tumors More Condition_treatment

Donald (Donald Duck) Step - Step

And here my first real step by step.
self-taught in the enterprise are able to create the head of Donald Duck!

You start by making a ball the size you need and extending the lower part, in short, a sort of pear upside down.

At this point you should gently stretch the front, so that when they apply lateralizzino eyes. That is not to be the eyes front!
Begin to lightly stroke the area where they will go and eye ball to the darn thing started to bring up those who will become his eyebrows. We say that this is the fundamental part. You have to push up the PDZ and immediately determine a groove at the top of the eyebrows in order to create thickness.
Once the eyebrow try to flatten it slightly to make it more often.

pdz Prepare small pieces of colored in blue and form of the ovals that fit the eyes have outlined before.

Now what seems like the easy part, but I did lose a lot of time, but eventually I found the method!
To create the pupil of the eye: the pdz black stretch very thin. I like you see in the picture, using this tool I put two pieces of pdz from either side and so I made them more or less the same size and thickness.

For the beak pdz orange.
Form a roll and thin ends.
Take the correct size of the beak.

Mash now ends and stretched, crushing the front part (the bill) , fingers create dimples on the beak, pinching and pulling on the center.

careful to create a further thinning where you see the asterisk red.
Place the spout and cut into the side to create the gap of separation between the upper and lower beak.

This is what you get.

bottom of the bill: a flattened piece of orange pdz and cut the size you need. Consider that the gap should continue to have created at the top of the beak. Attach this piece to the top.

For the tuft on his head a little bit of thinning pdz white and trimmed with scissors to create tufts of hair.
Sorry but I forgot to photograph the after - scissors!

Attach the tuft on his head thinning the integer part of the crown that is in contact with his head! And here



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