Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Airsoft Gold Desert Eagle For Sale

IL SUD (geographical) SOUTH (ISOLA) SOUTH (hemispherical)

In this crazy, intense and wonderful weekend, everything they had, I thought: if I had a Ipad, write it on the blog right now, so it can be share, although by far, with the people they want. And now, after returning, I think I do not know where to start, almost as if I had nothing left to say. Perhaps even you are tired and traumatized ... lol. Now I try to explain why.

First things first (and you know who I am "logorroica" (can anyone tell me how to translate this wonderful word?), Also when I write, so to go through with! And those who do not feel like go through with, out of my blog! .... My God, I look increasingly Jose GL, !!!!) not

Since I'm here only 6 weeks, I have to get the maximum on weekends to visit all you can and above all you will not see my future after traveling companions, Paul and Jose MF) ... so last week I spent days organizing all my weekends, including those who happen to them (as Jose is well aware, after our talk on skype each with its map of NZ forward).

So last weekend, I went to visit the south of the island's south, or rather Southland. So let me nailed a beating AirNZ death for tickets and I went (to my soul, this will hurt a lot Catalan). It must be said before beginning that this was my first trip was all alone and very, very worried ...

WLG I left on Friday afternoon, after work and leave behind the rain the cold was convinced that haunt me all weekend (and in part this has been blessed "Nuvola di Fantozzi). So she was dressed as I left Barna jersey, boots, umbrella, jacket, etc.. And thank goodness, because it's cold here. Go poop summer they have! If this morning to 2 degrees in Barna (night, winter) here (day, summer). Flipo.

Anyway, my flight made a stopover in Christchurch and there I flew much smaller than those normally accustomed to take. Carlo, you tell me which plane is: fit 68 passengers, two rows of two seats and if you're sitting next to the window, do not have room under the feet to put the backpack, or above you to stand up (or I I have the measurements of a hobbit, I have a good host, I have to say ...). Oh, and just three steps to climb. Look, easier, get a photo.

I came to Dunedin at 7 pm and I was surprised how nice it is green and the landscape. I would have done photos on the shuttle that took me from the airport to the city, but as always I was talking all the time with a lady (is that here not stop talking!). In fact I thought it was in the region of the lord of the rings, although in reality Hobbiton is in the North Island. It is seen that all suburbs of Dunedin are as well, there is even one that called something like The Green Mile (I do not remember, I told a lady in the airport shuttle) for the color green. The shuttle dropped me off at the hostel that I expected as nice as I had when I arrived in WLG. But I was wrong. I mean, the room itself was not bad, but the toilets leave a lot to be desired. And did not work in the current quarter. Still do not understand why I did not complain. It is not for me.

So I left the room quickly to go for a walk and take advantage of peak sun hours and I had. And the truth I saw the whole school (one hour, yes, is that Dundedin is a big city). Overall
around the octagon, the main square and the station is beautiful.

tried to go to dinner at a sushi restaurant recommended by my guide, but it was already 8:40 and it was closed, of course, we are in NZ! Luckily my vein Catalan saved me: I had prepared emergency snacks to amortize costs ... and then I take the move to Dunedin, a city full of students who go out especially at night, after sleeping for night. At least this is what I told the girl sitting in California I met some of the terraces (with heater) of the Octagon. Here I am with my network of € 3 beer!

Especially I am satisfied, because sitting alone in a bar is something that always has bothered me a lot, and I did! Many will seem silly, but this is one of the little things this weekend that I'm proud. The solitude helps me know myself better and above all to reassure me. And relax. Well. Also, after a bit of being alone, always end up talking to many people, it's fun!

At night I started to notice the first signs of my viejez, as it not only bothered me too bad the situation will not sink, but I also started to complain about the noise inside and the voices of people in the hostel. But I did not know he was about to become a traveler's directory Inserso boring (not the fun as Marta and Carmen). I discovered the following day.

slept very little, because I woke myself before the alarm clock, and at 6 am (trying to call Paul to take advantage of free wifi, and I had forgotten that the poor were traveling to Valencia). raining "ca or patatern 's'avia scurdate é l'acqua", ie a lot, and was all dark, but I was determined to end Dunedin. So I went first to the railway station where there was a Farmers'Market great!

not tell you what a pleasure and an organic breakfast cappuccino homemade apple pie ... and I see it I was happy ...

Then I went determined to see everything that was selected in my guides, the Chinese garden (only from outside for two reasons: cost and opening hours hehehe),

Cadbury factory (but I had to pay almost $ 30 entry),

Otago Museum (I went for refuge from the rain, and I have I did not admit any donations - in addition to typical thing happened when you protect yourself from the rain stopped while inside the museum and almost did not start again when I leave) and especially the University of Otago, really worthwhile. ;

Walking to the botanical garden, which is very nice (Although in much more Xulo WLG - and I'm ashamed to say that I have never gone to Montjuïc), I realized that the neighborhoods near the university - typical neighborhoods of wooden houses with gardens - are inhabited almost exclusively students, who personalize their homes in very funny and original.

botanical garden after the 2.8 km kicked me back to the center, decided to go to Olveston , a house of the last century. I did not know that, as in WLG, distances depend very much on the independence of the streets. So I had to eat the costs with potatoes fregides, but the picture was worth it.

The house itself was quite an experience, and there began my journey officially Inserso: during the tour of this house an hour, worth almost $ 20, with the posh old descendant of stories explaining the lags built on the villagers, I realized that was the only over 50 of the group.

I kept wanting to see the Otago Peninsula, home to NZ's only castle (Larnach castle) and excursions to go see the penguins yellow eyes and similar bugs. But I had no time, and I had to make do with a great food in a fish restaurant (shame, I knew the names of the fish and the waitress brought me the poster which shows all photos) and the little train ride ...

From the station, which is worth the visit itself, comes this hilarious train a journey through spectacular land and piece of private railroad longest NZ.

The train left at 14:30 and reached Pukatarangi in the middle of nowhere, after a couple of hours. On the train I met a nice couple from the Island (the age of Inserso too) who was advising me to my next trip to Rotorua. Maybe it was that although it was very cold, not rain all the way and I could make some beautiful pictures (ie, the photos themselves can be ugly, but I assure you that the views were spectacular).

In Pukatarangi took a minibus along with two fellow travelers (a man and an elderly Australian North Island, I returned to find the next day at Milford Sound and we greeted as two good travel companions) that I took in just over 4 hours, the incredible but desolate landscape of Southland, to Queenstown. Too bad it rained, because the first minibus driver friendly (I had to change 3) - that subsection does not stop talking and told us history almost every sheep on this land and I assure you that there were many - we said that one of the valleys that cross the blood called valley and one of the explanations is that at sunset the sun all red coloring. But the friendly driver showed us his favorite bridge

and oldest post office still operates NZ, "5 days per week or on request", ie if you are a of the 20 people who live in the village, the postmaster go home, that maybe it's your uncle, and say, "please, let me send a package?" and he opens the office.

whole landscape to Queenstown is very arid, grassland for grazing sheep (Paolo, I was thinking about you all the time), green valleys (and less green) in the middle of the mountains. It is very nice, I must say.

QUEENSTOWN 1: the Divine Comedy

I arrived in Queenstown after exhausting bus ride, and angry because I had called the hostel to let me know they had problems with my reservation and had no private room for me. In other words: I had spent all day thinking that after a bad night in Dunedin, would have had my room and had given a good hot shower and ... could not be further from reality. I arrived at a nice hostel, but full of people dressed up for carnival they would do all night (which is not pictured) and especially drunk ass up. The boy also welcome. And I said I could stay in a dorm that night and the next day would give me a room just for me, all free of charge ... there calmed my soul Catalan complaints that were already arising spontaneously from my mouth, thinking that it's something. But when I saw it was regrettable that status was the sink, my heart stopped Catalan. And a new facet of my personality, I just baptized soul Inserso emerged: fatal sleep by the noise of the party, dirt, shame of my roommates and the discomfort of bunk beds (which by the way, was sit and bang my head, already hurt by fatigue and travel. Strengths: I held my tears and made me stronger).

So after 5 hours of bad sleep, I woke up they were neither at 6 am and got on the Internet looking for a room in the chain of hostels for which I am now officially a fan: YHA ! When I saw that there was room (I had not booked there from the outset because there was no room on Saturday and it seemed crazy to change my hostel for two days ... what life teaches you!) I was so happy that so I can laugh the absurd dialogue I had with the friendly Irish welcome after their thousand excuses, and I detail below, as a prelude to purgatory
He (with a bottle in his hand does not know and red eyes): Why You Have not gone to bed yet?
I (laughing to myself): i have just wake up.
Him (looking at his watch and laughing with the giggles that only gives a good horn): Fuck, i't six in the morning ... in 2 hours i have to start working. And for sure tomorrow I will get you a private room (and apologies).
I (about having compassion for him): Do not worry, we talk tomorrow, When you wake up. You are tired (politically correct than I am) now.
him (even more giggling): I am not tired. We Have A word in Inglés ... 'm drunk!

And so that at 7 and was in front of the YHA, after having breakfast in one of the 2 bars open ( incredible at this time!). But until 2 could not come to my room, but the girl let me use the staff toilet (above I could not pass because it was not yet officially a guest of the hostel ... what difference does, the follower of St. Patrick?

So finally I could start worrying about my trip to the fjord Milford, because the sky threatened rain and feared the cancellation of the flight. After calling many times a number (free, obviously ... the soul of Inserso and was quieter with the new hostel, so the Catalan returned to take control of the situation) of the company and have misunderstood (fuck is that these Kiwis have an accent ...) I had canceled the flight finally got out that my tour was confirmed ... and ran to my old inn where the taxi was going to get me. And happy and satisfied (I have several pictures with idiotic smile of happiness throughout the weekend, as the following) I could take my picture in front of danger and overcome (ie, another shower in the hostel).

Milford Sound is one of the most xulos fiords of Fiordland, there is much say it is the prettiest, but there is another called Dubtful fjord, and not agree on what is really the most beautiful ...

But really is spectacular, the whole trip was. My soul Catalan has resigned to accept the cost of $ 455 because it really worthwhile. I went to the fjord in a plane of 10 sites (driver included) and within 45 minutes of spectacular flight to the fjord Estive sitting next to the pilot, as the rest of Inserso were all rigged.

PAOLO, YOU DO NOT READ THE FOLLOWING LINES, MONICA YOU EITHER. Carlo you do, and that goes for you. I did not care rigged (within the meaning of the seats) with the pilot, and it was amazing as well, these guys just had certain sex appeal I do not know if it is due to abstinence or who really are cool. So Carlo, you know, some lady sure you insinuate Inserso when working as a pilot.

Carlo, I have loads of pictures and videos and show you, you know I thought of you throughout the journey and when we work on this, because I'm sure it will get. Maybe you have some time to come to NZ. Moni, have a good ballet company, so it may be helpful for the two ... there you have it.

At Milford, together with my compis of Inserso did a cruise of 2 h peak in the fjord, great waterfalls and incredible scenery ... ...

and I only fucked up a bit on the videos and photos of the plane when I turned the camera off during a battle of lions ... by the way, for the happiness of my soul Catalan, was also included lunch on the journey ...

During the flight back I got dizzy a lot, I do not know if they had eaten, by fatigue or by turbulence. So really when I got my new room, it was like when you run out Paradiso and Dante finally enters heaven and sees God ... damn, is that my room was cool that you shit ... (and forgive me for swearing)

addition bathroom with shower and patio, I had to prepare tea and coffee! He even had a hairdryer, that yes, next to the Holy Bible (most of this paradise, you can not.)

Back of the fjord and after I relaxed a little in the hostel, I was finally able to devote to know Queenstown, where we see that it had rained all morning, but luckily not.

small Alpine town is full of tourists in summer and especially in winter, is located in the middle of the mountains and a beautiful lake. It is a truly unique setting.

Although I must say that the city itself is in 10 minutes (stopping to take pictures).

It is worth getting on the skyline (25 $ round trip), in total do not lose more than half an hour, because the view from there is beautiful!

Queenstown is known as an atypical city: as the friendly driver had warned me, the shops open and close at different times relative to the rest of the country ( where, I recall, the schedule for anything, even clothing stores in the center, is normally 8 to 17). And indeed there were shops open on Sunday at 19:30 ... sacrilege!

I've left out the idea of \u200b\u200bcruise ship steamed across the lake, as I found a I met fellow flight from Singapore to Sydney and we were taking us a beer and we attended a concert organized to raise funds for Christchurch Queenstown on the beach.

least, I relaxed a bit! So we went to dinner at a seafood restaurant where I met two of my old classmates from Milford, who recommended me, together with the waitress in Madrid, waiting to be released a table because the place was very good. So among the fish, white wine glass and fatigue, I got drunk and slept like a queen in my wonderful bed ... but only 6 hours and a half, since my soul stressful decided to take the 7:05 am bus to the airport instead of the 7:20 am ... I already knew it would take at most 20 minutes, but I wanted to get ahead ... so I had another lesson life: as I was half asleep, I did not realize that the airport (I have not seen the de Reus, but it sure is larger) was only a stop and jumped me ... thank goodness that kind driver dropped me at a station where I could catch the bus later. And yet, I came too soon.

Nens, after three nights of sleep an average of 5 hours, I to WLG at 11 am and went to work (loved and hated my thesis) ... thinking that yesterday would have the strength and the time of writing this that I think cost me at least 5 hours ... and I think Jose GL kill me because it's supposed to be translating ...

But I hope I have fun a little and passed what I've felt. I love you.

Today I have some special dedications:

A Paolo: I loved traveling alone, but you better step to me!
Jose MF A: I know you've done to die of envy, but because I love you!
Sandra: Because if I write so much nonsense is because reading me laugh!
A Carlo flight because the pictures are for you!
Eleazar, because you make me feel like I was in class!


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