Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ny Unemployment Certification


I mean the people, not birds (ne not yet seen) or fruit (I have not eaten). They are very kind and what I like is that here people on the street does not run, walk. And look you in the face: many times you say hello, and smiles. It's like being in a village, but is that the people here is true. Me today confirmed a couple of Chileans who have met gentlemen on the bus and I've been talking the whole way. But what you notice when you walk down the street with a map and everyone asks you if you're okay, or if you want to ask for information to accompany (And I feel bad if they are going in another direction and can not). Or ask for a cappuccino (cappuccino siemre ask, small, to take away with slim milk - each site is skimmed milk say it in a way, this is slim, so forgive me if sometimes I called otherwise) and as you prepare it the bartender asks you where you are, you do, and explains his life. Is another vital rhythm. They live in wooden huts in the middle of the woods. It's all like a big country town. All are wary of all, all are friendly. To think and come to live here for a while to unwind.
Today the day had begun in the fall, but by mid- morning has been decidedly summer y. .. HE IDO A LA PLAYA!

Protection Factor 30 (tested here) and no water bath is frozen, but it's something, right? Returning to the beach I met this nice couple from Chilean grandparents.
Then I tried to go to the Karori Sanctuary (which is supposedly a park near my home and where many slut to watch) but I lost the hills of the neighborhood ...

... but how nice is lost in the neighborhood! When I arrived at the park was already 16:30, and closed at five ... I thought "another day!" and I came home (indeed, a friendly kiwi has told me the wrong bus, and I'm back downtons, uff).
I eat dinner and terrific banana cake (is that cooked !!!)... PM fatter if I'll finish control, there! treat me too well! indeed, this eating dinner at 13 and at 19 I find it odd ... also the lunch is ridiculous: a salad the size of a yogurt or a sandwich (wow, where are our 2-course menus with dessert ????), so to see if I get used, at least I can help keep some line (like all the stairs and I have to climb hills, uff !!!).
Jose and Paolo, I'm waiting !!!!!!!!!!!!( already have noticed from my heaviness mails of tourist routes, lol)
Kisses to all, learn to be more like the sweet kiwi fruit!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pokemon For Macintosh

I'MA SWEET IN-BETWEEN HUMAN BEING OR "Reflections on post-modern identity, nomadic fluctuating "

could also say more simply that I am a weirdo and point ... but it's funny expression. I learned during my first research, as I acurdo author defines adolescence as an "in-between-period." Ie né meat, né pesce. Thus I am / I am. Although the good thing is that I like and do not bother me at all.
The emblem of my card status is given to me in uni here: it says "visiting student" but is "staff". And so with everything. I ask, "What do you do in Barcelona?" And I have to always explain my double life ... day and night fellow actress (sounds like a porn star, but you mamma non preoccupare non è così, davvero!) and also: in uni am I? "Professional? "Student? Research "in training? Around a bit, though currently unemployed. And then, at night in fact what am I? "Actress? "Theater student? Artist? (Not to mention that I am neither girl nor woman wholesale because they have not) and does not end here ... the best! I ask, "Where are you from?" And obviously I say that Barcelona is where it will come. Then take for granted that I'm English (well, I explained that the Catalans are a little different - and as you will see and say "we" which already shows my status unclear) and even pass, as I did yesterday in a English dinner, tell me: "Why you have not registered with the embassy?" (And I remember when I worked at the consulate and made the same question to all Italians with whom I encountered). Then we must explain that no, I'm Italian and bla bla bla. But the truth What am I really? I'm not English or Catalan, but I feel this way. I'm not really Italian but I am. And Naples, this much I can say that I am and I'm sorry (but then my mother tells me: "ma sei avellino cream!"). see, I am a maddalena Neapolitan (chocolate would say some of my friends) ... or a muffin. Among a muffin now the Kiwis (sorry to repeat the title of the blog, but I really love it, lol).
But ... is it really important? Of course not, just thinking this yesterday when I "infiltrated" into the English community (which of course I feel I belong in some way.) I tell the story: first day at uni, I will find a book in the library, my fantastic and rare card does not work and the guy who is treating me very kindly made me fill out a form to enter my data manually. When I made the fateful question ("Where are you from?") And replied "Barcelona", he illuminates the face and says: "No I can not believe, if I'm from Madrid! ", as in the form had put my mail, he kindly sent me emails from other English girls who live here. And so they invited me to dinner: very majas really people! A kindly took me to drive home! Kiwis had married girls and women of the embassy. It was really nice (and the Cambodian where we had dinner was delicious and well priced.) Of course, be at 7 pm for dinner makes me weird, but I am slowly catching custom kiwis: waking up too early, lunch at 1:00, a shop, except some super, and all museum / activity closes at 17:00 (and ends to work also at 17), dinner and sleep at 19 prontito. Of course, as I put on Facebook and skype and msn after dinner and go to sleep at 12 the 1 (as in Barna), I can hardly catch up! (Indeed two very kiwi customs that I love: everyone smiles and says "hi" on the street, which I find very funny is that going barefoot in the street ... there are people who will work with suit and no shoes!)

On Friday (yesterday) was a good day: morning I met with my supervisor here that besides being friendly is a very interesting person and just talking about Maori culture and language and Catalan. And I always get very catalanufa when I speak Catalan and Catalan, I can not help it, is what I am (again become the subject of identity.) Then I went to eat my luch tupper the viewpoint of the botanical garden, and that day was pr aecia. here you have it: I regularly trim my cappuccino to take away:

I decided
buy a little sunscreen to carry always with me (my parents have given me a quart, is I saw very Gambit) but was reluctant because he thought: "If I buy it, be sure the sun." Puta Murphy's Law, always true. The day had started with spring weather and summer was definitely after dinner (so much that I started sunbathing in the garden), suddenly, while I showered and dressed to go to dinner, change (fault my sunscreen?) clouds, wind and temperatures suddenly drop, fall weather! In fact I went from the beach dress winter boots in less than half hora.Esta photo was taken he was leaving home for dinner: I swear it's the same afternoon!

downtonw I went through the shortcuts in the woods in 10 minutes and I promised myself one day rise again (now I have). As I said, very nice dinner! And when I left the dinner, it had rained! In fact, yesterday, at 1 am, my computer, put the following temperatures: WLG (1 night, summer) 16 degrees - Barcelona (1 midday, winter) 16 degrees.

This morning my foster mother has informed me of a great novelty in the city has come a huge cruise ... and it has taught me through the window (here you have it):

Today should have gone to see a festival with a PhD girl I met at uni, but I made final later and I went alone. I dropped by cable car I'd say, "I'll walk up!". While I was not sure what was that festival was a kind of fair in a neighborhood street Mt Victoria: crafts, food and music.

pity that when I arrived and were dismantled (it was almost 15!). But by chance I met one of the events of the summer festival exhibited a tent where folk music groups of people from Polynesia (called something like "South Pacific people.") Very nice!

Then I made a long tour of the center and I went to see Old St. Paul Church, but I could not go because he had a wedding .

Just to continue the theme of my complex identity, just in front of the church, something caught my attention ...

I thought it would be the embassy, \u200b\u200bbut was just a restaurant, lol. One thing struck me today: how small is the train station and city bus!

After buying a bottle of Chardonnay I have decided to go home on foot to burn the nachos with ground beef I've eaten today ... it was really hard! And here I am with my thoughts on the concentric circles of identity that we are composed. And with my glass of chardonnay, clearly. Waiting for someone across the world will wake up to an Estonian Xerra ... Tomorrow
wanted to go to the beach to fix a little solar disaster last week (my face burned me away lol), But with ... ¡este frio igual me voy a ver los kiwis at the zoo!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mount And Blade Mods The Wedding Dance

chocolate chip cookies!

Here, these cookies are the classic "dangerous", one leads to another and then another and another!
If you love chocolate here it is transformed into a biscuit!


Dark Chocolate 200 grams
Butter 100 gr
Sugar 110 gr
Eggs 3
Vanilla essence a vial
Farina 200 gr
Cocoa powder 25 gr
Yeast 2.5 g
Powdered sugar
A pinch of salt


In a saucepan melt the chocolate with the butter, stirring.

Remove from heat, add sugar and stir.

Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well before adding the next.

United vanilla essence.
In a bowl, stir together the flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt.

Gradually add the chocolate mixture to obtain a composed of compact.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Must be a hard compound.

Preheat oven to 160 ° C.
Shape into balls with your hands and roll in powdered sugar.

Arrange the balls on a baking tray lined with baking paper and cook for 20 minutes, or until they become firm.

Let the cookies cool on a wire rack.

Kb2020c Karcher Pressure Washer


How nice to wake up in the morning thinking it will be again a rainy autumn as two days ago, and instead ... be spring! And how nice when later in the day, the spring becomes summer!

really verdad es lo que mis padres me han contado sobre el tiempo en adoptivos WLG: changing so Puedes que experimentar las 4 estaciones en un mismo día!
but everyone is telling me I was lucky, that of now being the "best weather ever !"... hopefully continue at least until the weekend and may take a little beach ...
today I finally had access to the pc at the university, ie in the wooden house that is my apartment (and do a picture where it looks good) ... people are nice and friendly. I'm in a shared office but we are only 2, and finally today I had little social life ... out of my host family, which by the way, are treated very well ... Yesterday I was invited to stay for dinner with some friends ... and found myself in a surreal situation ... sitting around cojodos table of hands and a guest (priests) blessed the table ... then I realized how patient and kind that we are atheists, and so unsympathetic to us that they can become believers ... closing parenthesis, just say that today my adoptive father has prepared me a whore spaghetti alla puttanesca mother - if carlo, really!)
to see, back to today, I am lost, I finally went to have coffee with a living and young, a girl graduate student in the department . and made a sun, how cool! luckily my parents have given me adp cream with SPF 30 (in fact I'm returning to a medium color decent).
something very strange to me is that at 17 everyone pyre home: I am left alone in the office, lol ... but after about an hour I decided to follow the advice of one of the postdoctoral students "go out!" uan and have given little spin ... go, a beautiful light, and photos of my super mobil ...
fatal out

this is the view of "giùwellington" from the uni (the Neapolitans will understand me: it's like giùnapoli from vomero, lol) ... I ventured into the shortcuts in the middle of vegetation (I was half lost and a kind londinse me that is all shortcuts WLG) of the uni ... to lower downtown ...

and finally there I did a photo to a traffic light, you will say, go dumbest thing ... but the truth is that it has cost me a couple of days semnaforos understand how the ... to see: you have to press a button and expect it to turn green (and even so normal) ... the problem is that the green takes 2 or 3 seconds, then turns red flashing and after about 15 seconds solid red ... At first I was crazy: he saw the red and did not understand if she could come or not ... I finally entontrado Instructions: green = via; flashing red = cross but can not begin to cross, red = no pass! true that the streets are small, but Deunan, lasts very very very little ...
and also no pedestrian crossing as ours, but two white lines:

also have a noise freak, and a little annoying. although I have to say that the noise sorpredido me most so far - more than traffic lights, more than the creaking wooden floor apartment when people walk - is that of the crayfish: are millions and are per arreu i tot not silent! also sung at a volume that acoustic engineers probably classified as contamination (there, if anyone is reading me, please, confirm me !!!)...

good, my little back downtonw finished in a super chain New World: apart from being convenient, I remember the last episode of Heroes - Brave new world - but especially cool that you sold me ready-made sushi at the supermarket!
epserando here I am again the Kelburn cable car (well, the Vallvidrera or vomero of WLG, but much closer to the center), satisfied with my new eco bag to go shopping!

and finally back home ...

(the second from the right, while that small little way to or LEFT is where I go to uni) ...
and here I am in my room to work (interrupted only by the spaghetti alla puttanesca dinner and talk to my sister who is his birthday: auguri ale !!!!!), and more work ... and now finally I remind everyone that I love and miss you ..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cheap Wooden Fingerboards

You can not - and especially not healthy - spend a whole day (15 hours) closed in front of a home PC to work, no no no! Especially if they are halfway around the world, a place I want to visit and find out! is the hard life of a student who is a prisoner of his argument at times ... well, so I spent the day yesterday, in front of my beautiful notebook (Pauline gracias!) from 8:30 am until 12:30 the night, breaking away for lunch and dinner (among other things, mandatory pauses the fact of being in another's house, because I was sure I would have eaten my ACSA front of the computer!).
But yesterday it was raining heavily, there was as well.
morning - even after sleeping 7 hours, tormented by the tables and charts - I decided I could not do it again ... and then today it coolness, was novuloso all morning, but then in the afternoon the sun came out ...
and then, as if I were a prisoner, I have given for one hour! (Because the poor people of my parents began to worry about!) And have been for a ride in the area around ... the district where I live, Kelburn, is situated on a hill and is surrounded by greenery and filled with beautiful wooden houses. this is the way I live:

the university (the building blocks in the picture below is the center) is just below. why do I have to go up and down stairs and path in the woods. The view from here is truly magnificent ...
I made 4 steps to the funicular (cable car) which is the best way to get downtown, where I saw for the first time traffic ' rush hour ...

my mom, other than the United Way at 8 pm! However the most exciting thing was to buy a ticket with a discount for students, now that I finally have a student card (plus I finally said that the department is now working on my internet access, so tomorrow I can go to the office !!!).
here I am overjoyed at the front of the cable car station ...

now I must leave you, because here ospiti hanno a dinner and seeded un po 'non andare a fare brutto 2 chiacchiere ... che poi che sono mama tell my scostumata ... Lascia but I saw the light splendida che gode dalla stazione if the cable car.

ps: questa l'ho Scritta in italiano, insomma, un po 'di ogni couple both conditions, no? baci!

Kidney Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms


was going to start counting my days working normal and boring, but given the circumstances, I have to first reassure you: I'M GOOD! At noon today there was an earthquake of 6.3 ° in Christchurch, South Island, 400 km from WLG - STO BENE, EARTHQUAKE DI STATO C'E 6.3 ° A CHRISTCHURCH, NELL'ISOLA SUD, 400 KM, PIU DI DA WLG, BUT NON QUI L'ABBIAMO NEANCHE AVVERTITO. ie: do not even have noticed ... but before all the world worry about (before reading facebook where I have advised that all goes well) better to say (che altro qualcun will not come to mia nonna comes a colpo!)
It I am concerned, has been a rainy day in WLG ... well, you played, everyone told me that usually does not make much heat and sun ... ie, the city has welcomed me, I can not complain.
This is what I saw this morning from the kitchen window:
I have spent all day at home working (it seems that I have not got access to pc at uni), and I've only gone to get money ... I discovered a new way to go to uni:

under and climb a few stairs (my dietician would be delighted to hear it) and arrived near the center of campus, Aque today looked like rain:

And then I'm back home to work on my project from here and my fantastic view, uff! Then at noon we learned of the earthquake and we have set with the news. Well, half the city destroyed and more than 60 people! that horrible thing! I know so bad!
is, a sad day in NZ ... and NZ.
Kisses to all and really, do not worry about me!