Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wedding Welcome Letter Examples

Roll Cake with Ricotta and Chocolate heart

beautiful and good!
Until a couple of months ago, the ricotta was banned in my house because my husband did not like. He does not remember exactly why he did not like, which is not exactly a novelty! The fact that you can not remember tell!!
But that's me and so I keep it!
Anyway, give him a day of fresh ricotta and perhaps for some strange passage of the moon or for some reason I do not know, and useless to ask him .... Does not recall .... I said that that day, he decided to taste, and since then has never stopped !!!!!!!
So that part of the world "ricottesco" from which I had been involuntarily I steered clear and then opened the door ... ..

ricotta tart with a heart of

For the dough
Farina ; 500gr
Sugar 250gr
Butter 150gr
Eggs 2
One packet of yeast vanilla
Milk (if necessary)

For the heart of ricotta
creamy Ricotta 500gr
Dark Chocolate 80gr
Eggs                                      1
Zucchero                               2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons amaretto liqueur
Powdered sugar

Whip the eggs with sugar until frothy, add the softened butter in pieces and the flour sifted with baking powder.

Make a fountain with the remaining flour and add the egg mixture. Form a ball and leave in the fridge for an hour wrapped in foil.

Chop the chocolate.
Whisk the ricotta, sugar and egg and add the liqueur and finally the chocolate.
Hinge Grease a baking dish 28 cm in diameter (or parchment paper lining the inside with wet and wrung) cloth and covered with a piece of dough, taking care to leave the edges a bit 'high.

Fill with the ricotta mixture and cover with a second disc of dough.
For your convenience you can extend this record on parchment paper and then flip it over the mixture.

Fold the edges of the disk and a good seal by pinching the dough.
oven to 180 ° C for 40 minutes.
the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar!


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