Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ortho Total-kill Lawn & Garden Insect Killer

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas,
Who loves to sleep but always wakes up happy,
Those who have no eyes to see.
Who salutes with a sweet smile.
Who does not wait for Christmas to be better ...
Who knows how to listen and chat.
A person who respects people with kindness.
Who was wrong without a sense. Who knows
Who has a wonderful family.
Who works hard and tries to have more fun.
To those who feel abandoned by others.
Who is not happy and pleased with what he does.
Who does not dream, a new dream ...
Who is sad with his thoughts as a child.
Who has the happiness in the soul and heart.
Who is happy when the double-half ago.
Who does not hope, new hope.
Who sees only white when it is black.
Who gives peace and feel at peace.
Who feels sad and suffer in silence.
Who gives serenity and love.
Who is at war.
Who would not fly and fly.
Who wants to be loved.
Who wants to give.
Who is away from his homeland.
Who gives happiness and hope to friends.
Who is poor and the rich.
Who wants a house to live rest of his life.
To you to me ...
all of us!
To all a Merry Christmas.

Property literary reserved Bishaj Gjon


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