Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Set Up A Sunfish Sailboat Diagram

Not Just Sweet!

But a little salty!
That actually is my favorite!
So to inaugurate this "room" of my virtual house I chose a plate of bell 'effect and great taste!

Angelica Salata
to prepare for Angelica takes a little bit of time and patience in the final phase!

Ingredients 's kneading !:
flour , 135 g
yeast 12.5 g (half a loaf)
water 75 g

Ingredients' s dough :
flour ; ; ; 400 g
grated Parmesan or pecorino 100 g
soft butter ; ; 120 g
warm milk ; ; 120 g eggs
one and half of a beaten
salt a teaspoon

You can put whatever you want.
Mine are filled with s peck, black olives, sundried tomatoes in oil and Galbanino (photo in black box) and with bacon, zucchini sautéed with onion, smoked cheese, black olives

To brush:
beaten egg with a tablespoon of milk or cream

· For kneading :
Mix the flour, baking powder and water
and let rise for 30 minutes.
I generally I keep the dough to rise in the oven at 35 ° C.
For 'dough :
Mix the flour with the cheese, salt el 'egg, milk, butter and yeast mixture until the first two bodies are perfectly blended.
Let rise for 1 hour.

After the interval, stretching the dough on a floured board
trying to form a thick rectangle about 2 mm. It Brush entire surface with plenty of melted butter

and distribute the filling evenly.

at this point is rolled from the long side

got the roll and cut in half, taking care to leave the most up together.
They separate the two strands with great delicacy

intertwined and proceed into the cut out.

This is the stage where I said that you must have patience mooooltaaaa because the filling will tend to exit from either side.
Do not panic!
Try to make it fall out as little as possible, in any case, you can "reposition" in the stuffing "escaped".
large cable Now you can put on a baking tray and close it into a ring.
I recommend putting it in a mold for donuts in order to contain all the better!
further Let rise for about 40 minutes or until it has doubled its volume.
Brush with beaten egg with milk.
oven to 180 ° C for 30 minutes or until golden brown appear.


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