Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Paddle Boats For Sale

recipe taken from one of my magazines reference!
It 's a tart "unusual" because the cream is a "no cream".
The end result is "scioglievolezza!

pastry 250 gr
Eggs 5
granulated sugar 100 gr
Potato starch 80 g
Vanilla 1 packet
Mandarins 5-6
maraschino liqueur 1 shot (you can omit it!)
4 tablespoons apricot jam
Lemon 1

Coated with a pastry tart pan greased and floured. Prick the bottom.
Squeeze the juice of a tangerine and pour into a bowl with the liqueur.
Beat the egg whites until stiff.
Beat the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla until mixture is puffy and fluffy.
Add starch a little at a time alternating with the juice of mandarin working with electric beaters low speed.
Finally add the egg whites with a fork, incorporating movements from top to bottom.
Pour the mixture over the pastry.
oven to 190 ° C for 50 minutes.
Let cool and cut in half in the meantime, the cloves of peeled mandarins.
I have not peeled mandarins otherwise make mashed mandarins!
slightly Heat the lemon juice with apricot jam.
Turn out the tart on a serving platter and brush with half the jam on the surface.
Decorate with slices of mandarin oranges and even brush them with the remaining jam.


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