Saturday, January 8, 2011

Brazilian Wax, Scotland

lemon and tri-chocolate cake!

lunch from father .... what better way to experience a new recipe?
I thought it was a chance the lemon with chocolate.
Apart from that lemon is an aftertaste that tastes real.
But as I often say, you can not describe the taste!
You simply must try!

For the dough
Farina ; 270 gr
Butter 160 gr
Milk 250 ml
Sugar 180 gr
Eggs 2
White Chocolate 150 gr
Baking powder ½ sachet

For the lemon zest
Lemons 2
Zucchero                     120 gr
Acqua                     250 ml

For the frosting
Milk chocolate 150 gr
Dark Chocolate 50 grams
Butter 20 gr
Fresh cream 175 ml

Pour 120 grams of sugar in 250 ml of water and heat, stirring occasionally, until syrup is clear. Taken the zest of the lemons with a potato peeler and scald a few seconds in boiling water.
Drain, add it to the syrup and simmer for 30 minutes.
In a saucepan place the butter, milk, sugar and white chocolate and melt it all.
Incorporate cold, the eggs one at a time.
V ERSAT the mixture onto the flour sifted with baking powder and stir.
Add the drained peel, dried and cut into strips, leaving some for decoration.
Line a mold with 24-26 cm of wet greaseproof paper and squeezed, pour the mixture.
160 ° C oven for 50 minutes.
But you always try to see if the cake is well cooked by inserting a toothpick or a piece of spaghetti (crudo!!) If the outputs when it is dry then the cake is ready.
Sfornatela and place on a wire rack to cool.
You can prepare the cake the day before serving, wrapping it well with plastic wrap and prepare the glaze the next day.

Procedure for the icing
Heat the cream.
Chop the milk chocolate and dark chocolate in a blender, add the hot cream and butter and blend.
Let cool and slightly fitted with electric whips the mixture. Spread on the cake by lifting the icing with a knife.
Decorate with zest that you have kept aside.
Refrigerate for half an hour.


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