Saturday, January 15, 2011

Case Flashy Flashers, Inc

Muffin Chocolate and ginger! Dessert

Recipe brand new for a change!
The fact is that when I see them there on their own, these poor books or magazines on the shelves is me a kind of sense of sadness.
Meanwhile, there are several hard copies of the same magazine or book, perhaps because there are few people like me!
I said, my sense of sadness that sometimes becomes genuine anguish!
I imagine these poor people during the night when the lights go out shopping, and remain there, on that shelf cold. Maybe next to or opposite have some book about vampires or "wise" of some political (which then the same thing as vampires and political ).... brrrr ... brrrrr ... .... so cold that fear ...
I have convinced you??
Too bad it does not work on my husband's story!!

And this latest book, "adopted" an unusual recipe.
muffins scented with chocolate and ginger.
What then fresh ginger has nothing to do with that powder.
And usually when recipes can be found stupid that I used ginger powder.
Sometimes mistakes are serious!
Fresh ginger has the scent and flavor that comes very close to those of citronella.
Spicy in a delicate, with chocolate, this time does not win over all, but amiable makes these unusual cakes!


Farina 240 gr
Fecola 60 gr
Sugar ; 150 gr
Eggs 2
Donkey 100 gr
Dark Chocolate 80 gr
Fresh ginger 40 gr
Baking powder ½ sachet


Melt chocolate in double boiler and let cool.
Grate ginger:
Work the butter with the sugar.

Add little by little, stirring constantly, eggs, grated ginger, chocolate, flour and baking powder with starch.

Pour into muffin molds filled to 2 / 3.
can help you with a pastry bag or a syringe from the kitchen. Avoid soiling the edges of cups.

170 ° C oven for 20 minutes.
Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool.
can accompany them with a mango sauce obtained by blending 150 g of sugar with 100 mango!
Or simply with melted white chocolate.
I did so, but I had little chocolate frosted one and the race I ate, without being able to take pictures!
If I had not done so would have certainly eaten my husband making me lose this sensory thrill!


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