Monday, January 3, 2011

Instalacja Superogame Opera

chocolate brownies ....

And if I tell you that I tried on the web t you write how many chocolates??
Again because of the "cooking" manifests a compulsive disorder that involves the purchase of all kinds of crazy kitchen items, trays of any type, shape, size, small spatulas, medium and large spoons, rolling pins, cutters, bowls, sieves, in short, anything !!!!!!
shame that accompanies me in my shop space at home, but a virtue of necessity and I was fitted with rigid plastic boxes to be filled with all the tools!
Where do I put the boxes??
I find the place, find it! I find it!
Among the purchases while ago I bought the silicone molds to make chocolates. With a T!!
But every time I could think of using them never find the ingredients at home to fill them.
Now that I'm in a crisis "kitchen" difficult to say that something is missing in the house!

To start I chose the chocolate fondant.
I melted in a water bath (bain-marie into the pan to!) And then I tempered the chocolate.

Tempering chocolate is a necessary operation to prevent the chocolate when solidified become whitish or spotted.
To temper the chocolate properly you need a cooking thermometer.
It may seem strange, but I do not have!
So how can I arrange me.
Tempering chocolate is not much and leading to a high temperature (the melting, 50 °) at a lower temperature (approximately 28 °).
order to do this once to the melted chocolate on a marble slab with a spatula and take him across the plate. Once cooled, but always smooth, reheat the chocolate in a double boiler.
At this point you begin the preparation of chocolates.
To obtain baskets chocolate you brush the surface of a baking cups paper and begins to cool in refrigerator.
solidified it go Just another brush with the chocolate and put back in refrigerator to harden. This is repeated as many times as you want the basket often.
Once Gently remove the paper cups and fill the basket.
For silicone molds you can pour the chocolate filling all the molds and invert the mold and let the chocolate falls on the marble slab.
This will make it easier to recycle the chocolate cast.
Or you can just pour chocolate into the molds and brush the edges as well as for baskets.
Put the silicone mold in the refrigerator and allow to cool.
Once the chocolate has hardened check that the sides and bottom are well coated with chocolate. If not brushed past another chocolate, and again in the fridge.
Now you can do to your own schedule, with hazelnuts, almonds, mousse, cherries, cream and anything else your imagination tells you!
To close them once just stuffed Pour the melted chocolate with a spatula and "scrape" away the excess, taking care not to remove that covering your chocolate.

stuffed my chocolates

Canestrini Ricotta
Mix the ricotta with a little sugar and a few drops of Amaretto liqueur until the mixture is smooth.
With a pastry bag fill the basket.

Canestrini the dark chocolate mousse
Melt in a water bath 125 grams of dark chocolate with 20 grams of sugar.
Add 75 grams of soft butter.
Remove from heat and add 2 egg yolks, one at a time incorporating well with a wooden spoon.
Let cool and in the meantime, whisk the two egg whites left.
embed them gently and put in a container in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Fill
the baskets with the pastry bag.

Hearts with Mascarpone Cream and Pistachio
Fill the molds lined with chocolate pistachio cream mixed with mascarpone and locking with a little more chocolate.

Stelline Hazelnut
just a nut inside and covered with melted chocolate.

A little tip, keep in the refrigerator until just before serving.


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