Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Menopause More Condition_symptoms - Spotting

For years I tried to play the legendary dessert that fill the windows of shops, bars and bakeries.
But every time it was a failure!
Until my sister gave me this recipe that had been donated by our neighbor.
I've eaten a lot, but its many, while I waited ... and you could see George!
The original dose is the one below, but usually prepared always half dose!


Farina 1 kg
Margarine ; 750 gr
Icing sugar 220 gr
Vanillin , 2 bags

on pastry place the flour, icing sugar and vanilla. Add the margarine, which does not require being very soft at room temperature.
Knead mixture until you get a very soft, much softer than the common pie crust, so he could use the pastry bag or cookie gun.
Divide the dough into three parts: let a white to a cacao together enough dough to make a nice warm brown, and finally the third part together a couple of teaspoons of coffee. Whether it's coffee, not instant!

Do forms as you like, the important the desserts are not subtle.

oven to 180 ° C for 15 minutes.
careful not to brown too much.
Place on a wire rack to cool.

You can dip them in dark chocolate, the better for white and coffee, or white chocolate, for those coffee and the cocoa. You can put hazelnuts, pistachios or meal, or leave them with nothing.

will be snapped up before they all finiate to prepare!


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