Sunday, August 8, 2010

Picrtures Of Early Chickenpox

True love

In your arms I would die ...
I kiss your lips ...
calms me down to sleep in your heart ... Your presence

... I love my life ... it gives more
Sometimes I kiss the body in the dream ...
So let me enjoy this happiness with you ...
I do not know your dreams?
Your heart is a treasure ...
How beautiful is life when we are near-neighbors
... What a great night when you hold me ...
Like a kiss from your lips ...
You are my soul and I love you without measure
... When I said I love you without measure
forever ... The wind has stopped,
did not want to take these words ...
From a nearby tree, a bird
we sang a song
As a witness from heaven, a star
slides downward
... I was born a true love ...


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