Sunday, August 8, 2010

Picrtures Of Early Chickenpox

True love

In your arms I would die ...
I kiss your lips ...
calms me down to sleep in your heart ... Your presence

... I love my life ... it gives more
Sometimes I kiss the body in the dream ...
So let me enjoy this happiness with you ...
I do not know your dreams?
Your heart is a treasure ...
How beautiful is life when we are near-neighbors
... What a great night when you hold me ...
Like a kiss from your lips ...
You are my soul and I love you without measure
... When I said I love you without measure
forever ... The wind has stopped,
did not want to take these words ...
From a nearby tree, a bird
we sang a song
As a witness from heaven, a star
slides downward
... I was born a true love ...

Stomach Sitting Stories


The desire to love you I broke in my heart, In the spirit

in mind ... ... ... Soul

not have you here beside me,
makes me suffer so much. . .
not able to tell you what I feel for you,
looking in your eyes,
is like having a nail in my heart, that will not let him beat
are good posts ...
... But look ...
Embraces ... The
kisses. . .
transmit sensations and thrills, chills and
emotions and feelings
thrills, chills and
fire of love,
shivers - chills that perhaps no one has ever succeeded,
find the right words to describe them. . .

Urlop Nad Morzem W Polsce

want to love In your arms In the movies

Love of my life kisses-hugs and kisses, but forgive me
pain without end ...
Oh my heart,
even if some time has passed,
on my lips still feel your kisses, that
are never discarded or forgotten ...
But also remember,
said my heart every time I see you,
in your eyes I see a greater love of the sea ... Hey
heart please do not leave me only.
I know you're angry with me,
without you I feel that dying
you are my life ... spirit
's my fault if the thoughts do not let you sleep, are the only culprit ...

How did the my heart to miss?
did not know what to do with you ...
's my fault ... please forgive me, but if
'll never leave me,
I'll be the happiest man in this world ...
Sitting in your arms ... I love you without
measure ...

Sore Testicle More Condition_symptoms

In drama the good always wins over evil, of love in movies
those who allow themselves back together forever and always ends
"and they lived happily and happy. "
In reality it is not always so simple,
dramas end badly, finished
loves are forever, when
not end in tragedy!
Why do you continue to watch these films, knowing that I am very fictionalized
and not true?
Maybe we like to be teased?
Or we delude ourselves to see in the film,
what we know will never happen in reality.

White Spots On Throat More Condition_symptoms


between a boy and a girl, sometimes with
looks born cartel,
then becomes an emotion, a passion,
a feeling, a feeling,
immense there are no words to describe it. . .
Maybe that's why they invented the word love. . .