Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Boat Parts For Harris Boat

Why Valentino

Why cheer Valentino Rossi?

Why is the only one capable to do all this and, above all, is the only one who does!

[new video taken by a spectator last corner!]

Congratulations Message For Marriage

Chris Pfeiffer: What can a man with a bike! An interview with Dr. Rossi

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Wedding Program Wording Thank You Message

Carry a small part of an interview with The Republic to Valentino Rossi on the subject of women and gender:

La Repubblica: The first time?
V. Rossi Brno '96

The Republic: It's not a race
V. Rossi True, but why associate it with a race within a few days I had sex for the first time, I took my first pole and first victory. The perfect weekend!

Source: The Republic